Every January, we go through our camera and phone photos, keep the best, and put them together into a family yearbook! As I shared our personal yearbook online, I realized that a lot of families would love to have a yearbook, but didn’t have the capacity to make their own. Going through thousands of photos and designing spreads was too daunting!
Enter: the family yearbook!

Frequently asked questions
See below for answers to some common questions I receive about family yearbooks.
What do they look like?
Family yearbooks are 10 inches wide and 8 inches tall, with a custom photo cover. Standard yearbooks can be up to 220 spreads (440 pages), and will have anywhere from 1-20 images on each spread.
Is there a layflat option?
Yes! The base package includes standard book pages, and layflat pages are an add-on. Because layflat pages have to be thicker (and are thus more expensive to print), only books with under 100 spreads (200 pages) are able to be layflat. Layflat books also require a little more planning, since we can only go up to 100 spreads. Layflat is a great option if you have a smaller amount of photos, or are designing around an event, like a wedding.
How much are family yearbooks?
The base package costs $250 and includes:
Culling of up to 1,000 images
Editing of most* selected images
Spread design
2 rounds of review
10×8 yearbook with up to 440 pages
Online gallery of final, edited images
Available add-ons/upgrades:
Additional images for culling/editing: +$100 per 2,000 images
Layflat pages (limits pagecount to 110 pages): +$100
Duplicate yearbook: +$150/200 (standard/layflat)
Why is editing included?
Phone cameras are amazing these days! But the images they produce can be a little dark and muddy. I’ll be using my experience from editing over 150 weddings to make your yearbook photos bright, happy, and consistent! Above, on the left, is a sample page with all iPhone photos and no edits. The right side has been edited!
Will you edit photos that were already edited by another photographer?
HARD NO. Editing is half of what we as photographers do and I respect other photographers’ work. I’ll leave those alone, but edit all of your personal phone and camera photos.
How does payment work?
Once you join the waitlist, you’ll start sending me your photos. This often takes longer than people expect, because it involves hunting down your photos from a bunch of different places. So we start this part while you wait! Once I’m ready to start work on your book, you’ll have one week to pay your 50% retainer. After this has been paid, I’ll start culling/editing/designing. You’ll get to see your spreads in 1-2 weeks after I start! The remainder will be due after you’ve approved the final designs, before I send your book to the publisher. Once the order has been finalized, you’ll receive your book in the mail in about 4-6 weeks.
Can you just design the spreads, and then I’ll order the book from the company I always use?
I wish! But I found out (the hard way, oops) that each publisher cuts books just a liiiiittle bit differently, so an 8×10 book from one company may actually be 8.25 x 10.3. I don’t want your heads getting chopped off!
Do repeat clients get a discount?
Yes! If you’ve ordered a yearbook from me before, your next book is 10% off!
I’m ready to order! How do I get started?
Send me a message on my contact page to get in touch! I’ll try to get back to you within 24 hours.

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