October 2022 Mini-Sessions Recap

My first ever Maryland mini-sessions! Big brothers means no walking ever. These three set themselves up for the photo on the right. Jackpot ;) Extended family mini! A little upside-downsies. Not all of us always want our photo taken ;) Want to see more 2022...

2022 Easter Mini-Sessions Recap

One last rodeo at Stenton Studio for Easter mini-sessions before we move! Charlotte grew up a little since I saw her last! These two have added two kiddos since their 2015 wedding :) Triple seersucker! Big girl Abigail making her first sitting-up debut :) Last but not...

2021 Holiday Mini-Session Recap

My first ever holiday mini-sessions and my first ever studio mini-sessions – last week at Stenton Studio! Stenton is the best, not only because they allow dogs, but it doesn’t hurt ;) Look at Max’s cheeeeeeese! Evelyn was really killing me with her...

October 2021 Mini-Session Recap

Last week was my turn to be the client… this week it was my turn to be the photographer! Gathered up 10 families for some fall mini-sessions back at Awbury Arboretum in Philadelphia! Some of these families (the Igoes included) were coming to me for the fourth...