Chelsea + Shaun \\ Engagement Session

Say what you will about February and its frigid temperatures and wind and… okay I get it. BUT. That winter light when you get lucky… Jessup braving the cold in his lil’ jacket.   Chelsea’s ring is SO PRETTY. These two Eagles fans came so,...

Roni + Graham \\ Anniversary Session

My third year of of anniversary sessions with Roni and Graham! Certainly their coldest one so far… but you couldn’t tell :) Roni’s red dress selection just never disappoints. I kind of thought they might have three doggos this year but alas, still...

Aaren + Dave \\ Anniversary Session

In the past year, my friend, cheerleader, and industry ally Aaren has blessed my family with a maternity session and two newborn session, and it was high time I returned the favor. We waited (and waited and waited!) for a sunny day that neither of us were booked, and...

Katie + David \\ Engagement Session

Katie + David = graphic designer + analyst with a greyhound named Carol. Ha! Surely our Colby would be intimidated by Carol, because he’s intimidated by literally everything. Particularly the lampshade in our living room. Not a joke. Katie + David were my second...